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The nRSP-ST is intended for use by radio/HAM amateurs who want a ‘plug-and-play’ solution for remote reception. As well as achieving this, according to current internet bandwidth limitations with the creation and use of a novel “IQ Lite” mode, which efficiently delivers channels of IQ data. Ability to control and store IQ recordings at the remote location are also available. The nRSP-ST is ideal for anyone wanting a wideband remote receiver without computer skills and hours of set-up time and ongoing maintenance at the remote location.
Technical data:
- A truly “plug and play” integrated, network receiver
- 14-bit ADC full featured wideband SDR receiver from 1kHz to 2GHz
- Remotely monitor up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time from up to 3 antennas
- Multi-platform SDRconnectTM software
- Configurable for available network bandwidth: Full IQ mode; IQ Lite mode; Compact mode
- Supports multiple client connections with a simultaneous mixture of connection modes
- All modes support visualization up to 10MHz spectrum bandwidth
- Two remote connection options:
Remote SDRconnect client
Built-in web-server for remote access from most up-to-date browsing capable devices, including Android/iOS units
- Ability to record IQ and audio files to a NAS (network attached storage) device if available on the LAN.
- Flash upgradable for future feature enhancements
Package consist of:
- SDRplay nRSP-ST network SDR receiver